HEI-FOI-220 HEI Scope Fiber Optic Illuminator, 150 Watt, 21 Volt Halogen Light. Internal Filter Holder with Daylight Filter. Osram Bulb Included. 220 Volt.

List price: $342.16
You save: $52.16 (15%)

The HEI-FOI-220 fiber optic illuminators are compact and robust construction with good appearance, light and handy. The socket-connected modular design with solid connection for easy dismounting. Entire plastic housing, light in weight. Built-in aluminum alloy guard plate to prevent excessive heat from hurting the user. Anti-leakage antistatic contact-type clamping socket of exquisite design for safe and easy operation. Wide range of accessories and fittings: can be supported by various kinds of microscope annular fiber, single/double stand hard-tube fiber, soft-tube fiber, etc. Optional filters of various colors and effects are available according to the customer's requirement.

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Fiber Optic Illuminator Instruction Manual (HEI-FOI-OS-MA312102_Fiber_Optic_Illuminator_Instruction_Manual.pdf, 186 Kb) [Download]