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What is the correct temperature for soldering? by JBC Tools
What does it mean when a station is considered Lead-Free
Hot Air or Thermal Contact by Jerry Howard
Product evaluation of the DEN-ON SC7000Z by Rick Littlefield of Communications Quarterly
Equipment reports on the DEN-ON SC7000Z from Electronics Now Magazine
Testimonials on the DEN-ON SC-7000Z Desoldering Tool
Tips for your Desoldering tips that won't leave you plugged
Safe and Sane Rework Repair by TJ Byers for Nuts and Volts Magazine
Evaluating the Capacitor Wizard by Martin Pickering of Television Magazine
Doug's Tech Notes on the Capacitor Wizard ESR Meter
Very Good Soldering Article by Colin Mitchell
Another Good Soldering Article from Weller/Cooper Tools
Analyzing the JBC AM7000SMD and JBC RMST SMD Rework Station by Jerry Howard